


Demundo said:

But you can't help feeling the pain.

The Phantom Pain (Tactical Espionage Operations)

NegativeSoul said:

It's basically a joke about how the AI, specifically in Mario Kart Wii, has a tendency to have it out for you. In other words you're assaulted by bombs, shells, bananas, power-ups, and the racers in general more often than not. Almost to the point that unless you are really far in first place one attack can send you all the way to the back of the pack.

thank you for your explaination

EternalForger said:

The crate and bomb remind me way more of Crash Team Racing.

That's because it is a reference to Crash Team Racing... I'm hype for the remastered version coming out soon.

NegativeSoul said:

It's basically a joke about how the AI, specifically in Mario Kart Wii, has a tendency to have it out for you. In other words you're assaulted by bombs, shells, bananas, power-ups, and the racers in general more often than not. Almost to the point that unless you are really far in first place one attack can send you all the way to the back of the pack.

Sounds better than 3 heat seeking rockets followed by 3 warp orbs during CTRNF online play.

I still hate this feature. Rubber banding is in so many racing games. Either make the AI good enough, or you just let the player actually keep his skills and be ahead. Rubber banding is almost always annoyingly noticeable and it doesn't improve the experience in the least.

Either code the ai drivers better or stop making the gameplay rely on everyone focusing on only the player.

Sorry, still pissed off towards so many driving games in my youth that did and still do this.

Elmithian said:

I still hate this feature. Rubber banding is in so many racing games. Either make the AI good enough, or you just let the player actually keep his skills and be ahead. Rubber banding is almost always annoyingly noticeable and it doesn't improve the experience in the least.

Either code the ai drivers better or stop making the gameplay rely on everyone focusing on only the player.

Sorry, still pissed off towards so many driving games in my youth that did and still do this.

In their defense, coding good A.I. is very hard. Racing A.I. in particular, while seemingly simple, has to go directly up against human intellect and skill, and making something that can do that takes extraordinary talent that the developer company simply may not have on staff. To solve this, they tip the game's balance towards the computer.

Even newly released games today struggle with this, and it is not uncommon for an ambitious project to take off only to realize partway through that they don't have the talent necessary to create the responsive and intricate A.I. needed to bring their creations to life. So they cheat, but even getting A.I. to the point where cheating doesn't look or feel like cheating or doesn't result in the game balance being lopsided is difficult.

Games get accused of this all the time. I know that's merely an excuse, but it's not something that is easily fixed with more time and money. I'm sure they did the best they could with the people they had.

Blindga said:

In their defense, coding good A.I. is very hard. Racing A.I. in particular, while seemingly simple, has to go directly up against human intellect and skill, and making something that can do that takes extraordinary talent that the developer company simply may not have on staff. To solve this, they tip the game's balance towards the computer.

Even newly released games today struggle with this, and it is not uncommon for an ambitious project to take off only to realize partway through that they don't have the talent necessary to create the responsive and intricate A.I. needed to bring their creations to life. So they cheat, but even getting A.I. to the point where cheating doesn't look or feel like cheating or doesn't result in the game balance being lopsided is difficult.

Games get accused of this all the time. I know that's merely an excuse, but it's not something that is easily fixed with more time and money. I'm sure they did the best they could with the people they had.

Fair enough, but at the very least, make it less noticeable and don't rubber band the darn things ahead of the player would be preferable.

I have seen cars fly past me at speeds that the car type shouldn't even be capable of.

Elmithian said:

This was inevitable after her request...

I feel there is a story here that most of us are missing

Elmithian said:

This was inevitable after her request...

Luna saying "That will never happen" sealed the deal. All together, that's 100% solid, fresh, non-GMO fanartist bait.