


Just translated the song in the first panel, tweaked the font sizes for the shouting, plus made it sound like sailors talking. "Pipe down!" in lieu of "Shaddup!" and "What do you think?" in lieu of "Of course!".

Reminded me I had heard that the Russian mafia was found smuggling millions of gallons of grain alcohol from the US to Russia awhile ago (doing a quick google check found the article from 2000, see NY Times). Gist of was that they were buying 192-proof grain alcohol in the US, dying it and shipping it back to Russia labeled as things like industrial cleaner, windshield wiper fluid, etc to avoid the heavy tariffs on imported alcohol (and cheaper to buy than it would be to produce locally in Russia). Once in Russia they'd remove the dye, dilute the alcohol, and add "Vodka flavorings" and then sell it on their black market.

Claverhouse said:

What is life without Industrial Alcohol ?

Having eyesight.

After reading the artist's commentary I checked and her body does indeed disappear, leaving only a floating head.

GoldSaw said:
Also Alabama is missing her body paint on her lower body in this.

Her initial portrait lacked it as well, though it was patched almost immediatly.

Deathprize said:

Is she getting whiter at her shoulder on the 4th panel or is it just me?

Surprised to see no one linked the actual glitch photo in the comments

Alabama skin bath glitch

As you can see, some CN player found a glitch that makes Alabama chibi body lighter than her actual skin color.

zeedoe said:

Surprised to see no one linked the actual glitch photo in the comments

Alabama skin bath glitch

As you can see, some CN player found a glitch that makes Alabama chibi body lighter than her actual skin color.

Does it do the same thing with other dark-skinned shipgirls, or is it just Sweet Home?

colBoh said:

Does it do the same thing with other dark-skinned shipgirls, or is it just Sweet Home?

I tried it using SoDak, and it indeed make her lower bottom lighter tone too.
I think this bug is only on the beer barrel bath, idk.

Shebadotfr said:

Did the TTK really chose the Soviet V Day as passcode?

They might be able to choose them themselves since it would normally be the Admiral and Nagato's passcode that would be used, presumably they don't want to hand those out (and then need to change them) every time they have to go off base.

Looks like Bismarck's SAN meter has been refilled.

Graf: "But at what cost?!"

EDIT: Welp, turns out this was a flashback...


Man, i really like bikes with sidecars. Sad i'm born too late in this world to own one without looking like a goof.