



Just be careful with the knife and the stove so that you don't get traumatized

Gotland is in her new Andra form, as her uniform jacket has a golden collar. Her newfound fixation on Swordfish may be due to her Andra official art depicting her with Swordfish on her new catapult launcher: post #3876595 Specifically, they appear to be the Mk. III Kai Swordfish, the artwork of which has a Gotland fairy.

Things are coming full circle here, as the main plot points (return of zuinism, Italians' vacation, Gotland's involvement) were foreshadowed in the third row of post #3863007. I still fully expect Gotland to make a power play to become the next, full-time manager of the dorm, which would be bolstered by her timely "saving the day" here, even though, in true Bond-villain style, she may ultimately be the mastermind behind this whole mess.
I bet De Ruyter will have a part to play too, since she is in that same row; maybe with Bisko gone and Atlanta distracted, she could have reopened her basement casino (which may be where the Italians are).
The Brits will likely have a part to play yet, as they make the timely "intervention" mentioned by Warspite in that same page.

*edit: And let's not forget Prinz Eugen; I bet she'll get her wish and be doted on by Schwester Bismark in the end, after Bismark makes her return. Maybe with another ship acting as manager, she'll have more time to spend with her fellow Kriegsmariners.


I'm glad Ido-sensei depicted the fairy pilots of the Zuiuns surviving. It seems to me they are victims in all of this, being exploited by whoever is behind this whole mess. It's not their fault a cult formed around their airplanes.

nawgonog said:


*edit: And let's not forget Prinz Eugen; I bet she'll get her wish and be doted on by Schwester Bismark in the end, after Bismark makes her return. Maybe with another ship acting as manager, she'll have more time to spend with her fellow Kriegsmariners.

Assuming, that Prinz fired the Schwerer Gustaf (she's a crack shot with this piece post #2904176 ), she will get a headpat at least!

nawgonog said:

I'm glad Ido-sensei depicted the fairy pilots of the Zuiuns surviving.

...Unlike in the old PvP exercises where for some reason, they could die forcing the player to train new ones. Nowadays, the pilots are perfectly safe during exercises even if the planes do get wrecked (which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever).

Eboreg said:

Nowadays, the pilots are perfectly safe during exercises even if the planes do get wrecked (which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever).

They want to jeans make the game more friendly to those people who don't want you see their waifu die.

Given the sudden explosion of fairy art the last few years, this includes them.