

Date Rating Safe Score 2

Didn't know/not 100% on all the references: I assumed red gloves was for Tifa and her recent FFVII streams. I also thought underwear/crouching Aqua was for ARK. Aqua with machine gun could be Apex or PUBG, I went with PUBG. Don't know about Aqua on fire.

Pseudoclown said:

I thought the hat one was Lady Maria, not the Hunter.

You're right, thanks. I've never played Bloodborne or a Souls game so I literally googled "Bloodborne main character" and saw they had a similar hat to what was drawn, then tagged it Hunter.

Doctor won’t hate you for being infected, Rope.

On the other hand, heartbreaking tag?

Honestly, the crystal lesions from oripathy can be made to look beautiful. Just ask Cliffheart- although in her case, it's more "hide them in plain sight" by making them look like accessories.

Billyaabob said:

Doctor won’t hate you for being infected, Rope.

Garrus said:

Honestly, the crystal lesions from oripathy can be made to look beautiful. Just ask Cliffheart- although in her case, it's more "hide them in plain sight" by making them look like accessories.

Yeah but there's MASSIVE prejudice in this world against those lesions, so it's gotta be really hard to convince yourself they're pretty.

Go to orchid, ya silly bunny. Pretty sure that bird's fashion sense brings out EVEN MORE CUTENESS out of you

Frawnkenstein said:

And this is something she came up with while sober.



That's a biiiiig assumption you're making there mate.

A proper English sentence, with the correct punctuation at the end. Now that is rare.