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Tapper said:

The age to legally drink in Japan is 20, the age when Japanese are considered to be full adults.

Oh, ok... soo I guess I may be a little right, and Renko is actually a young adult.

Tapper said:

The age to legally drink in Japan is 20, the age when Japanese are considered to be full adults.

I thought the age of adult was 18, since that was the age of consent/marriage.

Also, I doubt it matter as much whether she is an actual adult or not. In the US, the drinking age is 21 but most people in college could easily drink way before that. Hell, most high school student started drinking at the their last year. Only bars and sometimes stores you buy from care for id, and that’s only if they think you look too young.

Oh, ok... that’s actually quite really interesting... speaking of which, we kinda know a bit how old may Renko be. But now, the real question is... How old is her best friend Maribel Hearn. Since (if we took it a bit canon), it’s say that Merry wasn’t Japanese at all, and probably she just moved out a few years. (Specially Since her name reminds me of my aunt, who also has that name too, yet the Hearn is actually a stretch for her though...), any ways, if we “believe” that Merry was from another country, maybe could know how old she may be... HOWEVER, we need to know a few details like: from where she lived before moving out to japan (specially Kyoto, the settings where Renko lives according to the cd drams... which I never heard at all, and that I always confuse it with movies...) and stuff like that...

... since nobody has responded (neither since they don’t care at all OR they’re busy with the stuff I said a la Matpat), I’m gonna concluded that Merry has the same ages like Renko, but maybe a bit more-less than her... aka, neither 21 or 2w or perhaps 23... I think?

L.A.L.A. said:

... since nobody has responded (neither since they don’t care at all OR they’re busy with the stuff I said a la Matpat), I’m gonna concluded that Merry has the same ages like Renko, but maybe a bit more-less than her... aka, neither 21 or 2w or perhaps 23... I think?

They're both attending the same university, most likely they're at most 1-2 years apart.

Maribel speaks fluent Japanese so whether she's native Japanese or not, she's definitely lived there a while.

blindVigil said:

They're both attending the same university, most likely they're at most 1-2 years apart.

Maribel speaks fluent Japanese so whether she's native Japanese or not, she's definitely lived there a while.

Oh, ok... I guess that this mystery is over... for now (until I found any more theories about them that perhaps may not be related in fanon but rather with grain of canon...)