


He rather looks like one's conception of Michelangelo, fiery and patriarchal.

Probably without an interest in girl-on-girl.

Oh dear, the subject matter might be too saucy for Suzunaan. I mean it has youkai-on-youkai for goodness sake!
For the sake of the joke, ignore the fact that both are formerly human.

Valentine322 said:

Oh dear, the subject matter might be too saucy for Suzunaan. I mean it has youkai-on-youkai for goodness sake!
For the sake of the joke, ignore the fact that both are formerly human.

Futo doesn't qualify as a youkai, even by Touhou's very broad definition. Which makes this even spicier, a shikaisen and a youkai, from opposing factions even. Absolutely scandalous!

I'm disappointed he couldn't think of a way in which her breasts helped her play the game.

It's just a blaster game. Who could get scared of these?

She must be really weak to horror stuff.

Blindga said:

It's just a blaster game. Who could get scared of these?

She must be really weak to horror stuff.

The anger veins indicate it's at least partial excitement/anger. She got a perfect clear and high score, so she was hardly too terrified to play well. (Too terrified NOT to play well, perhaps.) I think the top imagine spot is what the guy was hoping the ending would be like, but she won the game while he used up all his lives.