


Shebadotfr said:

Hitler's gold, or Kriegmarine's retirement funds,again.

Bank of England, so the Queen's wallet.

Kikimaru said:
Pooled, but it's still missing half the images (Rachel/Noel in maid outfits, and Noel/v-13 in half-undressed schoolgirl outfits would be heaven to find).

I'm pretty sure all the images you mentioned are in the recently released BlazBlue artbook, I'd love to confirm for you but the book is at home and I'm not :(

When you get home, you would be my best friend forever if you could get some kind of high resolution scan of the v-13/ Noel image.

Anyone else really hopping someone will post hi-res images of the Continuum Shift cards when they're released?

Holy Vibranium doping, Batman! Look at the size of the guns on that girl!

bunkhead said:

Holy Vibranium doping, Batman! Look at the size of the guns on that girl!

Now THIS Saber I believe when she says she's 'muscular'

I know it's a quote from a pencil-and-paper game, but what's the source of that meme? "It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."

FlameTroll said:

I know it's a quote from a pencil-and-paper game, but what's the source of that meme? "It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."

I think it was Zork?

I remember it also being in a text adventure computer game.