


azurelorochi said:

It is above me why hasn't George Washington been made into an Avenger with a shield yet.

Because no Servant WANTS to be an Avenger if they can help it, and George Washington has no reason to be one under canon rules.

Usually when a "dark" or "Alter" version of a Servant is created, there is at least a reason behind it as much as people mentally break themselves looking for reasons for it not to be so (usually out of spite for the setting or ignoring lore that might make them wrong), either through a historical or legendary anecdote that makes them fit the Class, or an in-universe mechanism that explicitly warps the character.

George Washington was obliquely mentioned in a side material as being best as a Rider, and Avengers are a bit more specific than other Classes in what they must be to qualify: the person must be driven almost exclusively by hatred above all else. The Class makes them very self-sufficient by turning hatred into magical power to fuel themselves, but actively messes with their minds to never let them forget every negative feeling or painful memory in their entire life and even distorting/eroding good memories that aren't at least partially fueled by spite. They literally can't stop hating or get over their issues, only able to direct that hate somewhat. No Heroic Spirit that qualifies for another Class wants to be an Avenger unless they are forced into it or have no other choice.

TL;DR power be damned, being an Avenger fucking SUCKS, and those who are in the Class would probably jump at the chance to be something else. George Washington has no reason to be one or want to be one.


pyroninja13 said:


You wanna know what. I already knew all that

Point is, like things of them putting Shonagon and Moriarty into Archer class or Bathory and Enkidu into Lancer or any non-Hassan as Assassins or you know, ANY of the swimsuit Servants, I know that class rules, as well as general Nasuverse rule, can always be subverted whenever any new writer felt like it for whatever reason.

My point has always been the verse, as much of a convoluted encyclopedia it had always been, never had any rules set in stone. Anyone can just look at the rule, shrug, and ignore it. They may very well just invent a dozen of new bullshit classes if they wanted to(Faker, Watcher, Foreigner, Gatekeeper, wtv), and no one's gonna stop them. Sometimes you even see them just say it is so "for mysterious reasons" when they already wrote themselves into a corner and couldn't explain it away anymore.

It's why people joked they could just make Ghandi into a bunnygirl Saber who shoots lasers. It doesn't make sense, but at this point half of the roster already are completely bastardized versions of their source material it's honestly more of a headache to care.

I guess that's all I'm gonna say. The original statement of George Washington being an Avenger with a shield was supposed to be a joke, but of course when it comes to Nasuverse, jokes or not, people will just want to attach paragraphs to it for no reason.

azurelorochi said:


It's often hard to discern jokes from serious comments on the internet, even here on the 'booru. This is only exacerbated when it comes to Type=MOON works, which have issues with people making incorrect to outright stupid assumptions based entirely on tired and worthless memes or baseless speculation that does nothing but perpetuate false impressions and poison people's opinions.

Apologies if I was the straw that broke the camel's back.

azurelorochi said:

LolNasu cranked up to loleveryone

Saw FGO as the point where it was definitely time to jump ship.


pyroninja13 said:

Apologies if I was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Nah, not angry at you, just at TM for exactly as you said, they don't seem to know if their verse should be a joke or not.

They don't know if they want their fans to be super-elitists who devote their lives remembering every single detail or they want them to just be whales who unquestioningly hand over their entire bank accounts every time a new waifu Servant came out.

And I'm a history and mythology fan first and foremost, so I guess that also summarized the entire frustration I had with this franchise ever since Extra.

azurelorochi said:

I guess that's all I'm gonna say. The original statement of George Washington being an Avenger with a shield was supposed to be a joke, but of course when it comes to Nasuverse, jokes or not, people will just want to attach paragraphs to it for no reason.

Or generally. Cause some people can't tell when a joke's a joke from my experience.

I'm assuming the comment of "There's a weird one here!" is referring to the pink one Ogin is playing with. In case you didn't know, that little pink rabbit is what the artist uses as their AVI on Twitter!

the bread theme comes from the game or something? I have seen a lot of it for a while

dandan said:

the bread theme comes from the game or something? I have seen a lot of it for a while

story short, Caenis spared and even helped Chaldea after Goldorf offered her some bread.

Did anyone else see the croissants and go, "Huh huh hunn!" with that fake french accent?

I do love bakeries, they smell awesome. But Caenis is in a state of near euphoria right now.

NegativeSoul said:

I do love bakeries, they smell awesome. But Caenis is in a state of near euphoria right now.

Well, she is greek, fresh baked bread was pretty high class back then.

Krad_Hunter said:

story short, Caenis spared and even helped Chaldea after Goldorf offered her some bread.
