


Moonspeaker said:

Nineteen pages in two days? The artist must have had quite the backlog ready to post, I guess. This could take some time to catch up on.

They’re up to 63 pages as of yesterday. I’m uploading them a bit at a time, but feel free to translate them at your own pace!

KiIroywasHere said:

They’re up to 63 pages as of yesterday. I’m uploading them a bit at a time, but feel free to translate them at your own pace!

Wow. Was this going on that long before permission was granted to upload the series here?

I tend to feel overwhelmed and that I'm falling behind if stuff like this piles up very quickly. I realize there's no set pace or deadline; it's a purely psychological thing with me.

Moonspeaker said:

Wow. Was this going on that long before permission was granted to upload the series here?

Yeah, TBH I've been waiting for the artist to upload stuff to Pixiv for a while now. There's been a dearth of Pixiv uploads from the artist though for the last couple of months.

Moonspeaker said:

Wow. Was this going on that long before permission was granted to upload the series here?

I think it’s more so that no one bothered to upload it from their twitter. I’m pretty new to uploading to this site, so I figured it’d be best to ask permission first.

I tend to feel overwhelmed and that I'm falling behind if stuff like this piles up very quickly.

Would you like me to stop uploading them for a bit, if that’d help you? I don’t want you losing your mind over a cute comic!

KiIroywasHere said:

I think it’s more so that no one bothered to upload it from their twitter. I’m pretty new to uploading to this site, so I figured it’d be best to ask permission first.

Would you like me to stop uploading them for a bit, if that’d help you? I don’t want you losing your mind over a cute comic!

Sorry I didn't spot this earlier, or I'd have responded sooner.

I would have said heck no, don't delay everyone else's enjoyment of at least the visuals on account of my hang-up. It's a bit late for that now, of course. :-S

Anyway, from here on, please do upload at whatever pace you please, and I'll get through it as opportunity allows.

Thanks for all the translations.


There ought to be a gratitude button for translating, which users could just press for outstanding work.

OMGkillitwithfire said:

So is this masturbation or sex?

Only thing i can think is Assisted Masturbation and im not even sure on that.

so, what does it say about someone when his only reaction to this is "Huh, thats new"