

Date Rating Safe Score 1

Holy...that happy Wojtek after Yamato's catch xD

And I think Kashima has to be rebooted. That's too much insanity in 6 panels xD

Things to note:
1) Ido's Bismark Pantsu Shot
2) More distracted Yamato
3) Atlanta ponytail
4) Missing remaining American, Brit, Italian Fleet

M0131U5 said:

Things to note:
1) Ido's Bismark Pantsu Shot
2) More distracted Yamato
3) Atlanta ponytail
4) Missing remaining American, Brit, Italian Fleet

WEarspite's down there with the exploding Panjandrum in the corner.

1) Yamato and Wojtek having a grand old time there. Woj seems to be the happiest of the two there.

2) Regretting coming back already, Bisko?

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