


Pronak said:

She might want a little sister.

I don't envy the poor sod who has to break it to her that girls can't get babies on their own.

bunkhead said:

I don't envy the poor sod who has to break it to her that girls can't get babies on their own.

Pretty sure Rhine Lab can find a way, IT'S SCIENCE, BABY!

I think this is why Sakuya usually knifes her from afar. If she gets in close, Meiling wins.

Impossible... Meiling being moe!?

Also, Patche she literally blinded you. Are you sure the scolding is too far?

ziin1234 said:

Impossible... Meiling being moe!?

Also, Patche she literally blinded you. Are you sure the scolding is too far?

But did she die though?

My dad met a guy in Florida who routinely buys tickets on popular routes just to get compensation for giving up his seat. He never actually goes anywhere and he turns a profit. Makes you wonder if airlines actually make more money by overbooking.

this wasn't something I expected to find when checking the Kamen Rider tag, but I'm not complaining. that was such a cool scene. honestly one of my favorite parts of Decade.