


These characters are Miyamoto Shizuku and Amachi Hitsugi from Hayate x Blade. The source leads to a Hayate x Blade (nicknamed はブ) log.

Shame, but he is likely marked as an essential worker.

Also, I really do want a proper end with that admiral shitstain to end up in military prison and get proper punishment (other than just dishonorable discharge). If he tried something with her, it is no doubt that there are more victims. No question.

The fact that he is still in admiral position indicates that there are likely a lot more victims by now, and that makes me feel ill.

Elmithian said:

Shame, but he is likely marked as an essential worker.

Also, I really do want a proper end with that admiral shitstain to end up in military prison and get proper punishment (other than just dishonorable discharge). If he tried something with her, it is no doubt that there are more victims. No question.

The fact that he is still in admiral position indicates that there are likely a lot more victims by now, and that makes me feel ill.

Well, with the report on Hasegawa, the face of that Admiral is shown to be the current lead for the Navy Summit. He seems largely untouchable from that standpoint.