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Myrrhmidon said:

We need more Ch'en x Talulah because hatesex is fun when it's also incest

Talulah is hinted to be Ch'en's childhood friend and even then it's only hinted not yet confirmed, nowhere is it mentioned the two to be sisters so I'd appreciate it if you don't go around throwing your own made up thisrty couple headcanon like it's fact, thank you.

DammitCarl said:

Talulah is hinted to be Ch'en's childhood friend and even then it's only hinted not yet confirmed, nowhere is it mentioned the two to be sisters so I'd appreciate it if you don't go around throwing your own made up thisrty couple headcanon like it's fact, thank you.

Ch'en and Talulah are confirmed to be (step)sisters, it's in Chapter 6, and frankly I would consider the photo of Ch'en and Talulah in Ch'en's family home in Chapter 5 to be pretty strong evidence to begin with. That cutscene made it abundantly clear that Ch'en wasn't allowed to have friends, or go outside, or be fucking happy, so why would her father have allowed a photo to be taken, and kept all this time, of a non-family member? Even the idea of them being childhood friends is hardly hinted at, you literally see a photo of Ch'en and Talulah together as children, how could they not at least be childhood friends? Like at least 2/3 of chapter 5 basically screams at you that they have a strong history with each other.

Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't canon, facts are facts, and they've been pretty clearly spelled out even without being explicitly stated.

ArmaliteBCMColt said:

I'm getting company of heroes vibe from this.

mission 1?

"They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and goodwill among all Thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home." ---FDR's D-Day Prayer excerpt

ezekill said:


"Portside stick! Starboardside stick! Move fast and clear those murder holes!"

"I want to see plenty of feet between Dolls! Five Dolls is a juicy opportunity. One Doll is a waste of ammo."

Unbreakable said:

They arrived a day too late?

Either that or she's saying "today is the third, the festival is tomorrow".

That...does make sense. Why would they hold a festival on what appears to be a weekday, instead of a weekend?