


She isn't really wrong, though I would argue that only 70% of it is that, 29.5% is training and the 0.5% is some sort of action.

On one hand...Meh, she's a gynoid, she'll live. On the other hand...Raping & mindbreak your P.O.W. for 3 days straight was bad enough but ELID and collapse fluid!? Damn KCCO glowies, that's too far.

Last time, it was Japanese that draw the Natalia-chan.

Now it is us the english speaking weeb draw her.

darkspire91 said:

Man, 2020 has been a wild ride.

And we're not even a third of the way through.

Well going by the rumors they say she was the true power the whole time with most of military already in her corner. So one can assume that once she becomes the official dictator she's not gonna give it back to kim's heir.

Wikipedia: South Korea's foreign policy advisor Moon Chung-in issued a statement on 26 April that "Kim Jong Un is alive and well. He has been staying in the Wonsan area since April 13. No suspicious movements have so far been detected."
When even South Korea says, he's alive, he most possibly is!

NWF_Renim said:

I think they'll be fine. No one said they couldn't have whisky.

No probs, there may be a another strip where Atlanta will say she made a mistake, stating that no alcohol is allowed for both Gangut and Tashkent. And she will punish Hibiki in a different way for brining in that bottle of whiskey.