


Wriggle's article in PMiSS:

Just imagine being simultaneously attacked by centipedes, caterpillars, moths, spiders, and cave crickets.

So that's a yes.

Inazuma has adapted too much it's not about the whole keeping her as a pet, but can you take care of her as a pet.

Eboreg said:

TBF, the replacement of borscht with vodka was more of a backup damage control measure in case Atlanta messed up. Think about it, which would you rather have your computer equipment drenched in and which would be easier to clean up? He also probably couldn't take care of the problem directly which is why he delegated the issue to Atlanta. As for the manipulation, I don't really see a lot of it here, she was given a job and she did it. Yes, there was just a little bit more to her job than met the eye but to be honest, is there really that much manipulation going on with "the even-handed manager had to be sent on mental health break, let's get the absolutely hardcore one"?

I think you have it reversed. The ultra pure vodka warheads were more dangerous than the borscht warhead because the vodka warheads were to set the tree house and surrounding area on fire (which would include likely setting part of the dorm on fire).

oracle135 said:

For his sake, he better hope Graf never finds out, since his Grand Master Plan involved her getting pseudo-NTR'd...

Pretty sure this was a direct response to Bisko's snap and the subsequent free-for-all which broke out in the dorm.

nawgonog said:

I wonder if Atlanta is going to start calling him Kuso Teitoku now (after that "shitty HR department" line). He certainly deserves it; things could have ended very badly if she didn't have stellar AA skills.

Considering how everything panned out, he probably did this because she has stellar AA skills. Not the first time this admiral's done something crazy knowing how it will pan out.

Garrus said:

Considering how everything panned out, he probably did this because she has stellar AA skills. Not the first time this admiral's done something crazy knowing how it will pan out.

He said himself, in the last panel, that this would be her "debut battle," so he was playing on faith that she would be skilled, not quantifiable combat experience. It seems to me this was more of a Hail-Mary than a well thought out plan. Luckily for them all it worked.


nawgonog said:

He said himself, in the last panel, that this would be her "debut battle," so he was playing on faith that she would be skilled, not quantifiable combat experience. It seems to me this was more of a Hail-Mary than a well though out plan. Luckily for them all it worked.

Twas thinking more about how her class is known for anti-air abilities. They are pretty much specifically meant for AA capability, after all.

Garrus said:

Twas thinking more about how her class is known for anti-air abilities. They are pretty much specifically meant for AA capability, after all.

Also, attractiveness.