


In case anyone doesn't know her, she's a professional female wrestler that she committed suicide due to cyberbullism at the age of 22.
A drastic death indeed.

The original commentary is probably one of the longer strings of just back-to-back kanji I've seen (as a very amateur translator). Had me thinking it was Chinese at first.

ezekill said:

How Jessica managed to snag a Wraith NVG is beyond me

I assume you're talking about laser gun and not the generic pistol. That's Glaucus with the big gun, not Jessica.

Edit: Wow I'm blind as shit I didn't even see Jessica in the final panel


nonamethanks said:

You gotta give us more context for that now.

I like to go nude when it's hot especially so during the summer but since I still live with my folks and sisters that ain't happening outside of my room so usually I just strip down to my underwear

I stayed in my room on a especially hot day and went full on nude while I was eating some vanilla ice cream when some of it dripped on my penis

It just so happens that my pet cat was also in my room and was sitting right next to me and before I could have cleaned it she winded up licking it

I can just describe the sensation of said lick as both pleasurable and somewhat painful

You_Will_Fear_my_Laser_Nipples said:

[Story about a cat and a penis with some ice cream]

This reminds me of the time I was playing an online game with a friend and we were using headphones with mics to talk to each other. Everything was going like normal but while we were killing a boss he suddenly shouts "Stop licking my armpit!" in the mic which caused me to burst out laughing. It turns out it was his cat.

Maybe not as funny as the penis-licking cat but I felt like it was worth sharing at least.

NWSiaCB said:

Ahh, my cats do that pretty often. It turns out some cats like the taste of deodorant.

Also, my Mother can't get her cat to stop licking her legs after putting on moisturizer.

It's a good thing I don't use deodorant then!

Because I'm really ticklish in that area

Depending on how hard and/or rigid those things are, this seemslike it COULD feel good/interesting.

Like if more like a gentle brush than being scraped by spikes.

Pronak said:

Modeus wouldn't pass the stripping phase without fainting.
Malina tendency to drink spirits wouldn't be good for her pregnancy.
Zdrada is too wild to be a mother.
Pandemonica's sadism wouldn't allow normal sex.
Cerberus would make any man faint before impregnation.
Justice is too cool for you.
Azazel's chastity > being a mother.
And good luck trying to get Judgment to the bed.

Modeus is weak to romance, not sex. She'll ride you to death, she just won't hold your hand.
Sadism doesn't prevent vaginal intercourse, there's plenty of ways Pandemonica could dom you that could make a baby
Impregnation doesn't have some sort of volume requirement, you only need to cum inside any of Cerberus' bodies once for there to be a chance
Justice wouldn't be the AWESOME demon if she wasn't DTF
Azazel looks like just seeing a dick would be enough for her to cooperate
Judgement is actually the nicest demon of the group, and the weakest to compliments, you could sweet talk her into the bed easy

blindVigil said:

Modeus is weak to romance, not sex. She'll ride you to death, she just won't hold your hand.

You're welcome to say that, but I'm not going near anyone whose first response to affection is to break that person's legs with a bloody sledgehammer. I don't even want to think about what she thinks sex is supposed to be.

I'd imagine that he has slept with the other members of the Harem, but due to circumstances, like Azazel still technically being "out in the field" or Pandemonica preferring more sadistic means of pleasure, he hasn't managed to conceive with any of them YET. Being trapped with Beezle for an unknown amount of time gave her the edge to conceive.

Blindga said:

You're welcome to say that, but I'm not going near anyone whose first response to affection is to break that person's legs with a bloody sledgehammer. I don't even want to think about what she thinks sex is supposed to be.

That wasn't a response to affection, that was because everyone who's agreed to have sex with her prior to joining Helltaker's harem tried to escape after realizing she was going to keep going until they died.

You agreed to her offer, she made sure you weren't getting away. Doesn't mean she isn't going to actually have sex with you.

Danbooru: a place to discuss how would you fugg sharply dressed demongirls

nabusco said:

Danbooru: a place to discuss how would you fugg sharply dressed demongirls

Danbooru comment sections are shockingly more informative and constructive than most any other place I frequent...