


She's a shipgirl on the mission.

Theme song lyrics from Iron Man Adventures.

F/A-18F said:

She's a shipgirl on the mission.

Theme song lyrics from Iron Man Adventures.

With a rigging of high-tech ammunition.

Mithiwithi said:

"Tawawa Police"

They own an actual city? This keiretsu is way out of control.

Maybe she's part of a Tawawa Corporation-owned private police force or something.

MarqFJA87 said:

Maybe she's part of a Tawawa Corporation-owned private police force or something.

I just hope this corporation uses its powers for good. That much Tawawa under your control, you could rule the world.

Himura Kiseki said:

That's fine, but first I think you should catch the man behind you.

... Did he just poke fun at the real-life illegality of Onii-san being in a sexual relationship with Ai-chan and that only Onii-san would face any legal reprecussions from that?