


Is there a name for that effect thing above her head? The crooked black line, I think it depicts shock/attention most of the time

DammitCarl said:

mostly time, actually. How much time, you asked?


I-I'm at 80% on her second EXP grind. Soon it'll all be over...soon

Novaxc said:

I-I'm at 80% on her second EXP grind. Soon it'll all be over...soon

Already at 83% myself, but I can already tell we both are gonna be here for a long while

Tsumikiria said:

RoonHug Premium may be free, but spine replacement isn't. Contact your healthcare provider before signing up for RoonHug subscription.

After the bleeding you have to do to acquire Roon services?


DammitCarl said:

Already at 83% myself, but I can already tell we both are gonna be here for a long while

It took pretty much the latter half of Crimson Echoes to the end of the first week of Iris Rerun, grinding for Gold DD guns in the latter with Leipzig and the Konigsberg sisters, to get her for me. Which means I forgot one more cost to access RoonHug- enough oil to make OPEC blush.

ah..grinding PR ships. such wonderful memories...NOT. thankfully i am finshed with all of them. now i am just focus on Maxing out every Iron Blood's levels/skills. Along with the glasses wearing Kansens.

sadly i am missing one U boat.

This particular Chinese meme... I don't know where it is coming from, but it sounds REALLY unwise. Not everyone has a constructive or well-informed & thought-out comment to contribute to a conversation. Some people, in fact, should NOT respond to topics. The internet is already a shitty place to have a conversation because anyone can suddenly chip in at any time with their own stupid opinion based on misinformation. Demanding participation for participation's sake can lead to confusion in the thread as fires spread beyond a manageable and readable point for others, and whatever is left is just non-burnable garbage.

... sorta like a bamboo forest conflagration, MOKOU.

So, to counter this: "Quiet. Adults are talking."

So is it threatening you if you don't reply, or is it threatening you if you don't read the thread before replying?