


Yeah, that's basically why Sakurai did not choose Samus. :)

Feels like a classic "How is that even possible?" fanart.

Even if you think that an image is bad, you still have to give a good reason why you flagged it. 'Holy shit' is a very poor reason.
Otherwise it´s just plain flag abuse.

gonzomehum said:

...'bout to get a third heir at this rate.

He'd be a fool if he didn't try.

Thanks for the translation, I've added this to the pool, hopefully the translator can do some more of these, the pool's only about half done.

She's grown very bold now that Maho is studying overseas...

Shiho: "Come on, girl! I can't miss you if you don't leave!"

MentallyUnstable said:

Love that most artists never take the doctor's helmet off.

"Thank fuck I only have to draw one face in this picture." - Most Artists

Unbreakable said:

While a lot of them are tagged as 1other just as many (if not more are tagged as 1boy, or are you suggesting we make a male doctor (arknights) tag since we already have a female doctor (arknights) tag? P-head producer and T-head admiral are other cases where they are tagged with 1boy even though the gender is rarely apparent.

I would argue the P-head producer and T-head admiral argument as inherently false. They're almost always drawn with a masculine body type, and dressed in clothing that would make it immediately apparent if they were intended to be female. The face isn't the only way to tell a character's gender.

Doctor (Arknights) is specifically dressed in an outfit that's bulky enough to conceal any identifying features, and by definition of the 1other tag that's the tag that should be used if no gender features are present in the image. The doctor has no officially established gender, so labeling them male by default goes against tagging policies.

Female Doctor (Arknights) exists for the same reason the female admiral/commander tags exist, because a doctor_(arknights) 1girl search isn't useful for finding images of a female doctor when the majority of the cast is female. The existence of male characters might be an good argument for making a male doctor (arknights) tag, in light of that, but I don't think it's needed as much.

blindVigil said:

I would argue the P-head producer and T-head admiral argument as inherently false. They're almost always drawn with a masculine body type, and dressed in clothing that would make it immediately apparent if they were intended to be female. The face isn't the only way to tell a character's gender.

And yet we have characters like Oogami Sakura for example that looks completely male but aren't.

blindVigil said:

Doctor (Arknights) is specifically dressed in an outfit that's bulky enough to conceal any identifying features, and by definition of the 1other tag that's the tag that should be used if no gender features are present in the image. The doctor has no officially established gender, so labeling them male by default goes against tagging policies.

Female Doctor (Arknights) exists for the same reason the female admiral/commander tags exist, because a doctor_(arknights) 1girl search isn't useful for finding images of a female doctor when the majority of the cast is female.

I would argue the same applies to the Admiral tag as the Doctor tag, we also have Little Boy Admiral instead of Young Admiral. Commander (Azur Lane) and Commander (Girls Frontline) seems to be canonically male at least (though some details may vary).

Unbreakable said:

And yet we have characters like Oogami Sakura for example that looks completely male but aren't.

And we tag her as female because we know she is, do we not? I assume if we didn't know her gender, we'd be tagging her as male, because that's how she appears. If you're saying we should start tagging T-head Admiral and P-head Producer as 1other, I don't really have anything against that, but neither of these points have any bearing on how we tag the doctor.

I would argue the same applies to the Admiral tag as the Doctor tag, we also have Little Boy Admiral instead of Young Admiral. Commander (Azur Lane) and Commander (Girls Frontline) seems to be canonically male at least (though some details may vary).

I don't understand your point. Little Boy Admiral (Kantai Collection) is for depictions of what is very clearly a little boy admiral. That character is not genderless. We also have a little girl admiral (kantai collection) tag. Maybe we could make a young admiral tag to umbrella them, but I doubt that's needed.

Regular adult admirals are usually drawn with visible faces, making it pretty clear what gender they're supposed to be, if we're just going to disregard tagging body types as they appear unless you know the character isn't the gender they appear to be. The doctor, when wearing the standard masked outfit, is not visibly one gender or the other.

Commander (Azur Lane) and commander (girls frontline) being canonically male doesn't really have any bearing on the doctor not being canonically anything. I'm not sure how often they're drawn ambiguously, either.