


Hiei got Haruna drunk to help her overcome her shyness?

What a bro! She should team up with Wingman Fairy.


Mithiwithi said:

Looks like the liquid daijoubu is working.

Monki said:

Hiei got Haruna drunk to help her overcome her shyness?

What a bro! She should team up with Wingman Fairy.

And the translation shows you both wrong!

Eboreg said:

And the translation shows you both wrong!

It's almost as if people are willfully ignoring the self hypnosis panel entirely. That's a level of dense almost equal to this Hiei.

Akagi-chan said:

Why, those double-crossing, tea-swilling, crumpet-munching, kipper-sniffing, atrocity-committing limey twerps....

There will never be a string of words as beautiful as this ever again.