


"You're doing a wonderful job, your shipgirls are happy and work well with each other. But you're not treating them like disposable weapons and drilling a sense of self worthlessness into them. So, we're firing you."

cd_young said:

"You're doing a wonderful job, your shipgirls are happy and work well with each other. But you're not treating them like disposable weapons and drilling a sense of self worthlessness into them. So, we're firing you."

What about the wild animal, the disorderly conduct, the destruction of property, unauthorized absences, etc?

KyteM said:

What about the wild animal, the disorderly conduct, the destruction of property, unauthorized absences, etc?

Uh, foreigners be weird yo.

I think it's time for the Americans to threaten to cut off their military support if the Japanese admiralty doesn't start treating their girls with some actual ******* respect.

Cues incoming Abyssal attack forcing the Admiral to retaliate while Mr. Vice Admiral cowering behind the desk unable to do a damn thing about it.

conongvang said:

Cues incoming Abyssal attack forcing the Admiral to retaliate while Mr. Vice Admiral cowering behind the desk unable to do a damn thing about it.

That would be funny

Vice Admiral: Do something!!

Admiral: Didn't you just fire me?

Makes sense that after all 10 Shiratsuyus have been fleshed out, Ichiso decided to take on Itchy Bun's divmates, starting with her.

Why do I sense chuunibyou-ness from her.

Now I'm going to wait for someone joking about Akigumo's reaction when she heard her name.

Elf_song said:

Why do I sense chuunibyou-ness from her.

It looks like she's striking an "I'm so cool" pose, with the left hand in her hair like that. Other than that she looks fairly ordinary.

Without looking at the official announcements, I've almost mistaken her for Mainz and vice versa.

Well I'm not done with the current line up but I know who I'm focusing on next.

Good thing my Iron Blood Fleet is already ready for this now Roon can help too!