


Garrus said:

Wait... is W the identity of D.D.D.!?

Probably not given how her OST is more Emperor aligned? D.D.D also has larger blockier hands and they have different tails. W's ends in an arrow while D.D.D ends in a triangle.

Goddamn it Hiei, don't ruin Haruna's experience!

Now the hypnosis is going to wear off and she going to panic!

aaabd said:
Wasn't Eirin present at the founding of Lunar society? That makes her old, probably older than Tewi.

Erin's older then humanity, that makes her over 10,000 years old, but she's been confirmed to be a Hourai Immortal so...

cd_young said:
Erin's older then humanity, that makes her over 10,000 years old, but she's been confirmed to be a Hourai Immortal so...

Im pretty sure she was never CONFIRMED to be a hourai.

KendraKirai said:
If they were going by their likely canonical ages, Tewi'd be the eldest. She was present in more or less her current form at least 1300 years ago. Though, really, everybody's ages except Reimu and Marisa's are a little skewed towards the 'millenium' mark. On a graph, there wouldn't be an age curve, it would be an age cliff.

Considering both tewi and kafirs are confirmed over 1300 and Eirin being a whole other level, you really shouldn't argue canon without confirmation or a wiki at hand lol

wiki said ege are
inaba is 2.300
yagokoro is 1500
houraisan is 1300
reisen is 40

Jonty said:

wiki said ege are
inaba is 2.300
yagokoro is 1500
houraisan is 1300
reisen is 40

Tewi: The wiki says she's at least 3000
Eirin: At least 1500, possibly hundreds of millions of years old.
Kaguya: At least 1300, stated by ZUN to be hundreds of millions of years old
Reisen: At least 40

The wiki doesn't confirm any of their ages, the numbers given are guesses based on canon information.