


Tsumikiria said:
Am I mistaken or did Akagi gain weight, significantly so?

Its the costume change. Early in the series, the Peanuts-style "wall conversation" hides most of her lower body and, when we do see more of Akagi, the difference between her skirt and kimono are not distinguished. Showing her skirt makes it more obvious where her sleeves begin and end.

Myhel said:

I wonder if he's gonna get paired with a boy in a gay relationship; or will go out crossdressing (maybe due to his friends again) and infatuate a lesbian like volley-bu-chan?

that would be amazing and then the reveal.

Himura said:

I wonder if anyone noticed the uniform last week (although the sleeves are a little different...)

... To be fair, Himura-sensei, you only showed Kouhai-chan in that outfit once, and it was one and a half years ago.

loplopsama said:

And I was wondering how they were going to tie last week in together with all the others. . . .

Does Himura have to? He can just declare that the characters exist in the same setting, or show them walking/standing in the same location (but not necessarily aware of each other), and that's that.


You could summarize his thoughts in one sentence:

"They just don't feel the same..."


So... wait... is he infatuated with his big sis? The only thing I can think of reading that author commentary is that he's thinking about her when he's crossdressing and looking in the mirror.