


Seriously who thought that agent having to lift her skirt to fire her guns was a good idea. It looks so unnecessary.

Ameer said:

Seriously who thought that agent having to lift her skirt to fire her guns was a good idea. It looks so unnecessary.

How else are you gonna gets players?

Cloudian97 said:

crossdresser-kun? Jousou-kun?

How about:
KOMATSU Kitarō (小松 姫太郎 Komatsu Kitarō) < 姫小松 hime-komatsu “Pinus parviflora” (Japanese white pine: popular tree for bonsai) > 小松 Komatsu (surname) + 姫 KI; hime “princess”.

I like how you guys are all preparing for this guy to be back again.
Even to come up with an actual name for him too.

Sorry, Asuna, but you're not even close to Milla. Motivation, resolve, power and friends. She is many times better. And the same as the character.