


Edited translation, Compote is a western european desert, Kompot is the central and eastern european/central asian drink

Lex_Ex said:

Waiting for Anti Anti-Aircraft Ship Girl to assist Ark.

So like any torp-capable ship?

jindo90 said:

So like any torp-capable ship?

There being no submarines on the British side, that would mean Jervis or Janus. I think Atlanta could handle them. (Or Bismarck)

sanitaeter said:

There being no submarines on the British side, that would mean Jervis or Janus. I think Atlanta could handle them. (Or Bismarck)

Or maybe Ark would just enlists Elephant and Poi to help her.

considering how HARSH Atlanta's punishments and penalties...

Ark should take care not to annoy her or give Bisko problems...

she might lose some privileges if she push too far.

Krugger said:

How long till Ark starts showing signs of Biscko withdrawal?

I'd say reeeal soon... And I'm suffering from Ark X Biscko withdrawal myself.

Was thinking... IF Norfolk and Suffolk were to be added... more stalkers for Biscko.

Some interesting facts about Norfolk... she fought the Admiral Scheer, trailed Bismarck, and survived an engagement with Scharnhorst. And after the war was sold to a company called BISCO for scrapping. I know the spelling is different and Bisko is merely a nickname, but looking at it, it was funny.

Honestly would have been a VERY good picture without the silly face on her pussy...