


Dakkan said:

Even if this isn't the main/official comic, Arai-san has got to be just about the luckiest person in the series. I mean, Fennec and Carnivore get by on being too clever/knowledgeable about the dangers to fall for them, Herbivore is resurrected whenever a monster or Carnivore kills her, the Giant Otters just make cloning themselves a matter of course, and the wandering Serval(s) seem to get the worst of the main/recurring characters.

But Arai-san just wanders around, only having to occasionally rely on Fennec's instructions, missing everything that could get her.

EDIT: And as for how this particular trap/monster/whatever works... just noticed that the words in front of the doorway say "Must Not Be Seen". So probably there's something on/that sees from the ceiling, but if you use an umbrella it doesn't actually 'see' you, so you don't fall into the water.

I have a theory that the building reacts to the mental state of its occupants. The otters, Fennec, Carnivore, and the other explorers are most affected by the anomalies because they know about them. They're cautious, but the risk is still there. Arai-san and Herbivore don't seem to be affected by any of the anomalies, and they also have the most innocent personalities. A lot of the monsters attack based on seeing them, like the other world in the cafeteria, and this floor. My theory is that since Arai-san doesn't think anything of the anomalies, she's basically incapable of "seeing" them and therefore being affected. I think Fennec knows this because she tells Arai-san just enough to get by the really dangerous floors, but not enough to ruin the innocence.

.musouka said:

Probably needs more writing on the walls.

No amount of warnings on the walls helps if you can’t read it.

ygm_1 said:

I have a theory that the building reacts to the mental state of its occupants. The otters, Fennec, Carnivore, and the other explorers are most affected by the anomalies because they know about them. They're cautious, but the risk is still there. Arai-san and Herbivore don't seem to be affected by any of the anomalies, and they also have the most innocent personalities. A lot of the monsters attack based on seeing them, like the other world in the cafeteria, and this floor. My theory is that since Arai-san doesn't think anything of the anomalies, she's basically incapable of "seeing" them and therefore being affected. I think Fennec knows this because she tells Arai-san just enough to get by the really dangerous floors, but not enough to ruin the innocence.

A good chunk of the anomalies Raccoon avoided by sheer, dumb luck. The cafeteria anomaly only didn't trigger because she didn't have someone else with her. She saw the movie with Fennec, which prevented them from getting trapped. By her own instincts, she hurried down the dark corridor and didn't flip the light switch. She saw the "flooded basement" and didn't get too close to the edge because she went to look for the manager instead. She only went one floor down the staircase because she found her floor. She lucked out in closing the elevator door before the "open it" anomaly reached her. She survived the calendar anomaly because Fennec was able to reach her and bail her out. Raccoon just has the devil's own luck.

NWF_Renim said:

No amount of warnings on the walls helps if you can’t read it.

Oh, meant that as a derivative work. Thought that there should have been a warning in english and that коридор should be somewhat visible from the POV. Critical fumbled the spot check for the warning on the floor. Guess that means I would have been taken by whatever that thing is.

Garrus said:

A good chunk of the anomalies Raccoon avoided by sheer, dumb luck. The cafeteria anomaly only didn't trigger because she didn't have someone else with her. She saw the movie with Fennec, which prevented them from getting trapped. By her own instincts, she hurried down the dark corridor and didn't flip the light switch. She saw the "flooded basement" and didn't get too close to the edge because she went to look for the manager instead. She only went one floor down the staircase because she found her floor. She lucked out in closing the elevator door before the "open it" anomaly reached her. She survived the calendar anomaly because Fennec was able to reach her and bail her out. Raccoon just has the devil's own luck.

In the case of several of these, it directly helps that she's not an explorer, she's just getting lost trying to go home. She doesn't explore the "flooded basement", immediately leaves the floor with the "open it" anomaly, and otherwise immediately leaves other dangerous floors (like the exploding head person floor) because she just immediately leaves floors that aren't the ones she is looking for, frequently escaping danger because they aren't aware of her in time to react. She also doesn't mess with the light switch because she has a flashlight (because Fennec insisted, probably), and she's not curious enough to explore or mess with the unknown to be in danger of tripping the unknown.

She only went to the cafeteria alone because she'd only ever go with Fennec, and Fennec knows it's dangerous and explicitly warned her not to go so she wouldn't go with her - Racoon is therefore immune to the cafeteria.

Racoon probably likewise would only want to see a movie with Fennec, so she's more safe from that than the Serval clones.

Racoon gets past the "don't look where I tell you not to look" by playing the maze because she's easily amused.

In a sense, Racoon always lives because most of the anomalies are built so that Racoon's natural reaction to just not mess with them or else because someone else has set up a bypass method that plays directly to the way someone simple like Racoon would react.

I'm hoping "Exile" means that they just kick her out of the apartment rather than dropping her off in some random floor.

Black_Gold_Saw said:

I'm hoping "Exile" means that they just kick her out of the apartment rather than dropping her off in some random floor.

My common sense would recommend poor Giant Otter to just go outside and explore the pretty normal world.
Which immediately makes me wonder; Is a cloned Giant Otter able to leave the apartment?

GabrielWB said:

My common sense would recommend poor Giant Otter to just go outside and explore the pretty normal world.
Which immediately makes me wonder; Is a cloned Giant Otter able to leave the apartment?

What if A.Otter is trying to "save" them, as being the possible original, she knows that, the clones being the real anomalies, can't leave the apartment, and they are stuck in this neverending nightmare, so A.Otter just thinks it's better for them to die quickly, then being trapped here for eternity?

Her text is in a black text cloud, which means the infection has begun. This may well be the origin of Anomalous Otter (or at least, one of them...), since being attacked by the other clones after being altered may drive this one into revenge stalking the other otters.

NWSiaCB said:

Her text is in a black text cloud, which means the infection has begun. This may well be the origin of Anomalous Otter (or at least, one of them...), since being attacked by the other clones after being altered may drive this one into revenge stalking the other otters.

The one problem I find with that is that, well... becoming A!Otter means exploring more of the hotel, since it goes anywhere and everywhere (and anywhen) except for the few safe zones the otters have. I'm not sure how to reconcile her new fear of exploration with the idea of delving further and deeper into the complex than the regular otter team can.

Jarlath said:

That Demon! That capitalistic Demon!

Such a contrast to ido and his portrayal.

I'm just thinking she looks like someone come from ido manga
Like a abyssal disguised maybe

C98 was cancelled so unfortunately circle autumn cloud's "A-san lewd photobook" release will be delayed

CGrascal said:

Comrade Tiny One, you're giving into becoming a capitalist pig.

This Tiny One has always been very capitalistic.

this feels like Riyo's Gudako times 2
[Sanity] has left us as bait, so it can escape [mAdNeSS]