


If this gun isn't careful, she might end up like that one guy on /k/ and get something long and hard shoved up her ass.

ilnarnar said:

If this gun isn't careful, she might end up like that one guy on /k/ and get something long and hard shoved up her ass.

"That one guy on /k/" describes so many different people its insane

Rocko1345 said:

"That one guy on /k/" describes so many different people its insane

I mean, you can't get much weirder than sodomizing yourself with a Remington 870.

ilnarnar said:

If this gun isn't careful, she might end up like that one guy on /k/ and get something long and hard shoved up her ass.

or someone from the comment section of pixiv do it

Good news, I reached out to the artist on got permission to post their new content on here so it can be translated!

Consider this a sort of "soft reboot" of the Garupan Kindergarten series. It's similar to the original 4koma, but as a comic with a different story.

KiIroywasHere said:

Good news, I reached out to the artist on got permission to post their new content on here so it can be translated!

Ah, that's good to hear! I had been waiting for the artist to upload to Pixiv, but considering that Twitter doesn't do as much image compressing anymore (????) I guess that's really not an issue.

I'd still wait for the artist to upload the rest of the old comic to Pixiv before uploading that though, just so that we have it in the standard two 4koma format.

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ezekill said:

When ya sniper cat gets a hold of your sanity food

Given her general mental state, she might need it way more then you, in all honesty...