


Suomi KP31 is 9mm parabellum, but those are .22 long rimfire rounds. That is an artistic variation that does not exist.

Valentine322 said:

Impending Doom, Digging Your Own Grave, or both?
F for Akagi

The grave was dug the moment she sent Minikagi to capture Grim. Now she's ready to in it. I'd say Impending Doom or Told You Not To Do That, though Told You Not To Do that is probably more the next strip than this one.

zeedoe said:

Translation bump please

Done, thought I can't adapt her dialect into english (since I'm not a native, I can't do something complicated).
Also, the first line might be clumsy. Someone feel free to correct it.

Pronak said:

Okay, everybody is pairing these two. Do they have any kind of relation or connection?

Probably not. But they are similar as both are political figures that became subject to animification on internet.

Pronak said:

Okay, everybody is pairing these two. Do they have any kind of relation or connection?

Isn't Natalia part of the Dumas now? If so, there's a Korean War connection. All we need is China to join in on the opfor Yuri.