


Moonspeaker said:

Akitsu Maru's camping skills are lit, yo.

Better here than actually lost in the mountains.

Jarlath said:

Better here than actually lost in the mountains.

Lighting fires indoors (which is what it looks like she's about to do) is generally considered pretty unwise.

Madcat6204 said:

Lighting fires indoors (which is what it looks like she's about to do) is generally considered pretty unwise.

Thus my comment.

Madcat6204 said:

Lighting fires indoors (which is what it looks like she's about to do) is generally considered pretty unwise.

Moonspeaker said:

Thus my comment.

I guess she's not all that bright.

I'm burning to get to know these two better.

Akitsu Maru may not be very clever, but she's enthusiastic and good-hearted. She really lights up my life.

Mithiwithi said:

Akitsu Maru may not be very clever, but she's enthusiastic and good-hearted. She really lights up my life.

Let's hope she doesn't literally light up a house in the process.

You_Will_Fear_my_Laser_Nipples said:

Wow the assholes are really coming out of the wood works huh?

Down votes are a plenty it seems.

Seems like it's just one person, each comment only has one downvote. Someone offended by talking about Peach...?

Zero_00 said:

am I the only one who thinks peach has a real deadpan expression in that last panel?

Nope your not the only one.

Really gives of the "I'm so done with this shit" vibe when you take a look at her expression.

I feel more than anything it's "And here I thought I'd seen everything" on her face, with a dash of "I'm done".

Surenhohn said:

Peach can actually do something? >snort
She is moral supports lets be clear.

Her Toadpeople are weak victims.
And she herself is only able to fight in Smash.

Yes very weak it's not like she has been a playable character in any of the Mario games able to stand equally with Mario.

You know something like like
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario RPG
Multiple Paper Mario games.
Super Mario 3D world
Mario + Rabids game
Lets not even talk about the crazy shit she can do in some of the sports games.

It's not like she even has her own game or anything.

Oh, wait... Super Princess Peach.

Indeed only moral support unable to fight or do anything herself.


Amoriderefarfalla said:

I don't really see how this is "Impending Doom", actually, it seems more like Iku is visiting a relative.

There is something huge in the background.

Amoriderefarfalla said:

I don't really see how this is "Impending Doom", actually, it seems more like Iku is visiting a relative.

If you look closely, that's a giant squid pretending to be another sailfish. There's small holes on it's back, as it's just a tentacle.