


Brilliant picture. But if I donate to their Patreon do I get an alt where her abdomen isn't constrained to the width of a twig?

"Thanks so fucking much" comes across as very sarcastic. That does not appear to be the intent, considering the Commander is upgrading her from literal dog food to Oreos.

Arcana55 said:

"Thanks so fucking much" comes across as very sarcastic. That does not appear to be the intent, considering the Commander is upgrading her from literal dog food to Oreos.

I think the joke is that he is speaking to her in a very condescending way while, essentially, giving a heartfelt thanks and Oreos. Any man who gives out Oreos cannot possibly be a bad man.

They're not exactly Oreos, they're Oreo O's, which is an Oreo-flavored breakfast cereal that was discontinued from everywhere except South Korea from 2007 to 2017, and (as far as I can tell) are even still are pretty rare outside of Korea.

If anything, that makes the disconnect between the Commander's tone and his reward even funnier, because what's better than Oreos? Oreo cereal.