


I'm reminded of that quote:

"And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

Random_Fanguy said:

What exactly is that thing Roon has and what is she doing to it?

Looks like some kind of glass cup. And she is very thoroughly destroying it.

her official character sheet said that the more her hair is combed the more messy/fluff it becomes

M0131U5 said:

her official character sheet said that the more her hair is combed the more messy/fluff it becomes

Lets get an army of t-dolls to descend upon her at once, everyone armed with hairbrush’s. Then whenever her floof reaches critical mass, we unleash her upon the SF forces.

M0131U5 said:

her official character sheet said that the more her hair is combed the more messy/fluff it becomes

I heard that in Samuel Hayden's voice. HELP

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