


NegativeSoul said:

Gotta make money somehow.

Added "mundane utility." You could literally use anything bigger.

Cyanide_Exploder said:

Slow AOE. Even Catapult uses ammo.

All AOE snipers are slow, I didn't bother adding that.

Although I oppose unnecessary duplicates I very much like this artist's policy of issuing the same image separately in both Japanese and hard-coded English.

NWSiaCB said:


My opinions are my own (and Fox News regularly bashes Trump by the way because he isn't establishment Republican)

Again, Romney found out the business used illegal aliens and told them not to when he found out. I still can't see what you are finding bad about that, and I never said I hated him for that statement.

I'm obviously a Trump supporter, but you seem to believe you know my stance better than I do. Gallagher's entire trial was a mess, and this was evident in the review where much of the testimonies were hearsay, or personally motivated against him out of jealousy. Law and order doesn't support witch trials or lynch mobbing.

I never said I don't/can't have loyalty to principles or concepts like nations... (I'm literally someone who risked his life solely for US interests). I'm seeing this trend with you that I have mentioned in our PM's and other discussions, you frequently lump all your opposition's opinions together and do not differentiate between who you are speaking to. Not that I entirely blame you, my username is not exactly recognizable or easy to remember, being just a bunch of numbers. But if you are going to recall someone's past you have to remember it accurately.

Dank.Knight said:

Dammit ya'll, isn't there a rule here that political debate is forbidden in the comment sections?

There is no ban on political debate. No subject is forbidden on danbooru. The only mandate is to keep discourse civil. Frankly this is one of the fun things about the website. An anime image can get a bunch of weebs to talk about serious stuff.

Dank.Knight said:

Dammit ya'll, isn't there a rule here that political debate is forbidden in the comment sections?

Generally the rules are don't get personal/attack people, and don't insert unrelated political screeds onto images.

I do understand that 500 posts about politics on a Mongolian Throat Singing board can get annoying, though.

79248cm/s said:

There is no ban on political debate. No subject is forbidden on danbooru. The only mandate is to keep discourse civil. Frankly this is one of the fun things about the website. An anime image can get a bunch of weebs to talk about serious stuff.

Saladofstones said:

Generally the rules are don't get personal/attack people, and don't insert unrelated political screeds onto images.

I do understand that 500 posts about politics on a Mongolian Throat Singing board can get annoying, though.

Is that so, i thought it is forbidden because i kinda remember the Pepe the frog mimikyu post from way back that have the same discussion.

79248cm/s said:

(and Fox News regularly bashes Trump by the way because he isn't establishment Republican)

Fox News only did exactly that until Trump's presidential nomination was secured. Now? The most-watched segments on Fox defend him at every opportunity, practically giving Trump-biased coverage.

Call it "bashing" or whatever, but the only outliers vocally criticizing Trump administration as a whole can counted with one hand: Andrew Napolitano (contributor/guest), Chris Wallace, Shepherd Smith (already resigned) and maybe Neil Cavuto when the economy stock market takes a hit. If you have more names, then be my guest.

Frawnkenstein said:

Fox News only did exactly that until Trump's presidential nomination was secured. Now? The most-watched segments on Fox defend him at every opportunity, practically giving Trump-biased coverage.

Call it "bashing" or whatever, but the only outliers vocally criticizing Trump administration as a whole can counted with one hand: Andrew Napolitano (contributor/guest), Chris Wallace, Shepherd Smith (already resigned) and maybe Neil Cavuto when the economy stock market takes a hit. If you have more names, then be my guest.

On top of that, several anchors have done direct appeals to Trump that he then heeds, and a good amount of contributors ended up joining his administration. Fox News sold itself out once they realized Trump had a base they could latch onto.

Hell, even Trump's obsession with those unproven drugs comes from some segment from Fox news. It's not every day that the snake oil salesman is the president.

kibehisa said:

You know, this entire comment may have been worth as much as piss in the wind if it wasn't for the fact that Trump originally supported the Captain until several Admirals called him (through the proper channels) to explain what the issue was with the Captain's actions, where he immediately backed down from his earlier stance and sided with the Navy.

I would like to note that this has gone full circle with Modly Resigning and Trump going back to supporting the Captain.