


darkspire91 said:

He's done quite a few characters in Azur Lane. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a case of being overwhelmed by the workload.

Sky's tweet (badly translated by Google) sounds like he/she was swipped by MICA. Hope I'm wrong.

Pronak said:

Dang, why's that? I always liked the design of Uzi and ARX. Why MICA would replace Sky? His/her message of the topic is sad.

Its more, their contract expired and the person who was handling their contract left MICA a year ago, so they wouldn't have been able to renew the contract. They had 2 posts on their twitter, the one prior to this image explains why. So it wasn't anything drastic, he literally couldn't draw something because he's no longer contracted to do so, so her upcoming children's day costume (I think) is going to be drawn by somebody else.

HellScythe42 said:

their contract expired and the person who was handling their contract left MICA a year ago, so they wouldn't have been able to renew the contract.

I'm sorry, what?

colBoh said:

I'm sorry, what?

I'm afraid i dont know the full story outside of Skys 2 tweets about this. But all i can gather from them is this:

- MICA contacted sky about Uzi's upcoming costume and that it'll be drawn by somebody else, reasoning behind this is anybodies guess.
- Sky wants people to continue supporting Uzi and her new artist and apologises that he/she is unable to satisfy players expectations with a new costume for Uzi.
- Sky mentioned that the person who contacted him/her about Uzi's MOD3 commission, no longer works at MICA, Uzi's MOD3 was released in May last year and that the CG was done as soon as they got the contract, so it was very likely the contract sky had at the time has expired and the person who was originally in contact with MICA, couldn't request to renew Skys contract as they not longer worked with them.

Either way, its unfortunate that Sky wont be drawing Uzi's costume. Cant be helped, all we can do is just respect Sky's wishes and support Uzi's new artist.

darkspire91 said:

He's done quite a few characters in Azur Lane. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a case of being overwhelmed by the workload.

What work? it's been a while since they last did a skin.

Pronak said:

Sky's tweet (badly translated by Google) sounds like he/she was swipped by MICA. Hope I'm wrong.

If anything this suggests the opposite as to say he was let go.

HellScythe42 said:

Its more, their contract expired and the person who was handling their contract left MICA a year ago, so they wouldn't have been able to renew the contract. They had 2 posts on their twitter, the one prior to this image explains why. So it wasn't anything drastic, he literally couldn't draw something because he's no longer contracted to do so, so her upcoming children's day costume (I think) is going to be drawn by somebody else.

I think it's more fallout from staff changes that MICA's been having; it wouldn't be the first time they wound up 'losing' an artist due to some BS.

StriderTuna said:

What work? it's been a while since they last did a skin.

If anything this suggests the opposite as to say he was let go.

I think it's more fallout from staff changes that MICA's been having; it wouldn't be the first time they wound up 'losing' an artist due to some BS.

I am afraid it is because of his plagiarism a year ago, so MICA did not intend to let him continue to be the illustrator for Uzi.

This incident was revealed on Weibo, a Chinese social platform, about a year ago. MICA team may not want to use an illustration of someone who has had plagiarism, which will definitely cause trouble for them.

I don't particularly follow this manga very closely but I don't mind translating it. In light of some of the lines in this last chapter being completely wrong before I corrected them as well as the lack of things like punctuation, please feel free to contact me if new pages need translation. Nobody likes speedsubs.