


arisboch said:

Or those fan-made or official dragon forms of Quetzalcoatl and Fafnir?

Quetzalcoatl's is in the opening and Fafnir's showed up twice in the episode he was introduced.

Lucoa has a dragon form in the manga. It was introduced AFTER the anime was made. KyoAni needed a placeholder Lucoa in dragon form for the opening, which is what you can see on this image.

I personally think they really could've spent a little more time on this placeholder. I wouldn't call it "bad", but it really doesn't fit her at all, and Tohru even says your human form depends on your dragon form and vice-versa. You'd expect a massive dragon who looks serious but not threatening (which is exactly what it is in the manga), not this.

KhorneFlaeks said:

Your literal username.

That was the point it was sockpuppet created to stir shit up.

There's something wrong with a country when the demand of basic human decency from their police is considered 'taboo politics'. As a journalist, I've been monitoring these protests and, goddamn, the abuse that the police is doing EVEN when they're being recorded is insane.


Pronak said:

There's something wrong with a country when the demand of basic human decency from their police is considered 'taboo politics'. As a journalist, I've been monitoring these protests and, goddamn, the abuse that the police is doing EVEN when they're being recorded is insane.

How dare they retaliate with deterrents while being rightly pelted with ice bottles, bricks, sealed cans and anything else non-protesters are throwing at them.

Amusing how King-Boo is a midget in total compared to Boosette.
Must be Karma for having such a haughty personality.

>claps out fan

" O~H HO HO HO HO HO !! "

If I were them I wouldn't stand right in the way. Cause a certain fluffy shotgun is going to come storming out of there.