


Paracite said:

Caling him Admiral-san probably tipped her off, really.

Kashima is a good girl. She's can't but help to be polite.

Paracite said:

Caling him Admiral-san probably tipped her off, really.

I don't think so, White Kashima has different eyes, for me that's Black Kashima but if I'm right then the question is why she called him like that?

Gamespcfull said:

I don't think so, White Kashima has different eyes, for me that's Black Kashima but if I'm right then the question is why she called him like that?

Change of heart. Respect.


Paracite said:

Caling him Admiral-san probably tipped her off, really.

Well, she most certainly did that on purpose.
There's a panel of Black Kashima pulling off the silly glasses when she heard what Katori might be trying to do.
And knowing Ido, that gun is going to fire.

Say what ya want 'bout this Admiral but ya gotta appreciate him for treatin' his subordinates as humans, not weapons. Besides, if he's removed... how many of 'em would be scrapped?

Is this really a comic from the same person who had Gotland brainwashing somebody with a rocking chair and Gamby driving a tank into a convenience store? This arc feels a lot more serious than Ido's previous work.