


Is that scissors in her belt, for gardening? Looking cool anyway, maybe Dante is recruiting for the next DMC game.

Smug Murakumo because she buys swimsuits only to buy them.

At least Hatsuyuki uses her gacha waifu.

And Murakumo is wondering what is wrong with Hatsuyuki's sense of monetary values.
Frankly, that's how most the women out there are like.

Where would Gensyoko's birds migrate to anyway? Is Gensyoko big enough for the birds to move to warmer climates?

Both of these girls are my go-to's when I play Guilty Gear and GBVS

2434 said:

Ramlethal's redesign is definitely not going to be making me buy the game. That little top they gave her looks strange and not really fitting for her character. Seems done intentionally to avoid Sony's puritan wrath.

Of course you would be the one complaining because a character was made to cover more skin.

At this point, think it's safe to say him and Goldsaw are one and the same, and treat them accordingly.

Cort321 said:

Just checked, its not there.

Thought they changed it.

What's not there?

blindVigil said:

What's not there?

The "Show Hidden Comments" thing.

Don't worry, I figured it out. I am an idiot and turned the comments threshold to max neg.

I do say. I welcome this lovely outfit over those racing skins lol

Scholastica said:

Life, uh, ah, finds a way.

They exactly know the comment is gonna get buried :P

T34/38 said:

I do say. I welcome this lovely outfit over those racing skins lol

So do I.

2434 said:

Seems like a really bad time to be releasing this alongside all those Race Queen skins. This is just going to get buried for obvious reasons.

Jokes on you, I bout this one first.