


Anyone one else getting Marauder MAD-3R Vibes here?
Flip the Legs around and Swap its Grenade launchers to under slung M-Lasers and It looks like an attempt to bypass Harmony Golds Copyright.

I absolutely hate these white fuckers. The only enemy I hate more are the Isekai Tanks. Ramming my T-dolls into another world.

OmniGManJr said:

FGO - How to Piss Off Your Fanbase 101:

Step 1 - Skip a traditional seasonal event that usually gives the fans a welfare Servant and decent to amazing card art.

Step 2 - Replace said event with one that has no welfare, a shoddily designed SR (I'm sorry but Jane looks like a 3-Star designed by the guy who did Boudica's outfit), an SSR that's basically just another Rin-face but kuudere instead of tsundere, and a story written by the franchise's founder that tries to make all the previous comedy events canon.

Step 3 - Skip a rerun of another traditional seasonal event that gave the fans one of the best welfare Servants in the game, in a class that until now has only been populated by SSRs.

Step 4 - Have the new seasonal event give us a welfare version of a popular character to gain their trust back...

Step 5 - Then introduce a welfare version of a completely different popular character in the arcade version of the game that most of the fanbase doesn't have easy access to.

Step 6 - Bath in the resulting salt...

OmniGManJr said:

Did quote your self from another picture I can't find or did you somehow acidenly turn your comment into a quote?

cokerpilot said:

Did quote your self from another picture I can't find or did you somehow acidenly turn your comment into a quote?

The latter. Still not sure how I did it...