


I'm shocked that Kaguya doesn't have a full score. Looks like a big task but I hope someone will translate these.

If I had to wager a guess, the star ranking system is based on how dangerous it is to be around them. If so, 5-stars is walking on thin ice, and anything beyond that is a danger zone.

Anything below 5 stars and getting kicked in the groin is basically asking for trouble. I'd like to have tea and a nice chat with Yuuka and walk out on good terms with her.

Starosta said:

My question right now would be... Who doesn't?

Fair point, although I was referring to Space Jin's version of Yuuka. She seems nice and easy-going.

I'm still damn curious as to why Nitori's threat rating is so freakin' high...

Is she busting for science? Is she a member of a black market nut-smuggling ring? Is it the salt deficiency thing? Why?!?

I would just like to add another one, injecting disinfectant (or somehow shining a UV light inside your body?) is not a good way to deal with the coronavirus. Just because something can kill cells, doesn't mean going all-in will be a good idea.

Saladofstones said:


Oh God, it's the same argument that people that ate dish soap because "it tears grease apart" and that vaccines have mercury as an "ingredient".

I still can't believe he said that. Had missed the press conference and was watching the commentary on what was said immediately afterwards, and I had to seriously go to a recording of the press conference cause I just couldn't believe that had been said that... and yet there it was.

It really does seem to reinforce what I had heard that he usually skips out on task force meetings and only is actually aware of what is going to be in a press conference just before they hold it, where he has the chance to mark up with a sharpie his lines.

I like how that comic perfectly shows the differences between real players and casuals.
The real player genuinely knows the game, and wants to have fun, sometimes by picking a subpar build.
The casuals, who are younger and stupider, only care about winning, so they all use the same shitty meta, look down on everything else, talk shit, and are more interested by achievements than by having fun. And they also use voicechat a lot, talks shit about everyone's mom, and have small penises.