


Gratz Guin!
I got Blaze on first 10 pulls and Saria dupe on the next 10 rolls on the first day she released,
feels like meteor gonna hit my head soon cuz I'm already running out of luck.

MARoGOD said:

Gotta get rid of that tracking device so she can justify getting lost again.

What game is she going to get lost in next?

Jarlath said:

I'm surprised that Hatsuyuki has such a tight belly.

No complaints, though.

She's a young girl, and a military personnel. Not too hard to expect.

That said, make the provisional one a reality, Kouji!

Demundo said:

She's a young girl, and a military personnel. Not too hard to expect.

A military personnel who practically lives inside a kotatsu the way a snail lives inside its shell.

New to having an account on here, so I don't know how to do it myself. But there should be a Lappland tag, since you can see her between Texas and Exusiai.

Any particular reason you opted for "Shinkai fish burger" instead of "Abyssal fish burger"?

Also, while I can understand why you altered "having" into "eating" to parallel the commercial tag line, I think the wordplay works better using "having" instead, and you would be forgiven for tweaking the tag line for the sake of a better punch line. My two bits, anyway.

The delivery box in the next panel has 'Shinkai Burger' written on it, so it's the company name, rather than a burger made from abyssopelagic fish.

I.e. A fish burger from 'Shinkai Burger' and not a 'shinkai burger'.

I didn't change it to eating, I had 'having' originally for the very reason of the joke working better - it was changed by someone else to match the ad (which I have no idea if there's a similar one in Japan). As the joke is based on having the same line twice, it has to be identical regardless of how it's worded .

Oteck said:

better tell IDO

Decent chance he sees it; he's one of the very few artists/ authors who's aware of/ follows his series on here.