


How do people draw this? The perspective for the characters and background, along with the curved lining especially. I just can't help but be amazed

They probably start with a reference photo taken with a fisheye lens. They then make the character fit the perspective.

I think I nutted so hard my death date is gonna cum earlier than expected. And this is exactly what I came for.

Demius_Primus said:

I think I nutted so hard my death date is gonna cum earlier than expected. And this is exactly what I came for.

I think they call that an Omega-Nut buddy.

It looks like Unicorn's lost something in her cervix....

Luckily, Illustrious is here, and is trying her damnedest to find it!

Yeeeeeah, this one, especially with sound, has cost me many-a-Nofap streaks...

By far my favourite clip on the whole of danbooru, I hope more stuff gets made like this