


BrokenEagle98 said:

Poor Mako... she has to carry all of that weight. :D

As long as she gets her ice cream she'll be alright.

Oooh~ Pretty.

This guy's doing a really good job with the horror sets so far. I wonder if this'll just be a tour of these derelicts and dungeon areas, or if he's going to try to somehow show some of the more weird encounters or chase scenes with some of the creatures from the series.

It'll be awesome if this gets done all the way.

thescarredman said:

If the game looked like this, I'd have bought it.

You mean, like a filtered real life photo?

thescarredman said:

If the game looked like this, I'd have bought it.

It's a free to play game?

This was cute, and after what's happening lately in my life i needed something nice and gentle like this.