


the most confusing line in this panel was about a match with a certain little sister. I don't know whose little sister Kaga is talking about. If anyone can tell me the context of that line it would be welcome.

dasCKD said:

To be fair, Warspite is working towards helping Atlanta making sure that the girls are accountable for their actions and working to prop up Atlanta's power.

That's a charitable way of describing a plea deal.

PhoenixG said:

snitched so she can play 2 hours a day instead 1 hour.

You deserve a medal, cuz you called it.

I’ll preface this by saying I think that Iowa should pay for the mat, but the German girls were getting manhandled out of their own quarters. And the biggest thing they were (and still are) worried about is their tatami mat. And as far as we know, they are more upset over the mat being damaged than they are grateful that Iowa and Co. came and stopped Gangut and Tashkent. If they didn’t come, then the German girls would be down their entire section of the dorm, which includes their precious mat.

And I’ll also say that Atlanta is really lucky that Iowa isn’t a strict military type. Let’s assume that battleship girls are given a higher military rank compared to light cruiser girls. Iowa especially is probably commander of the American shipgirls present in Idobase. If that’s the case, then Atlanta literally walked into her commanding officer’s quarters and threatened to start selling her stuff.

Scholastica said:

That's a charitable way of describing a plea deal.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for cute queens.

A_Lurker said:

I’ll preface this by saying I think that Iowa should pay for the mat, but the German girls were getting manhandled out of their own quarters. And the biggest thing they were (and still are) worried about is their tatami mat. And as far as we know, they are more upset over the mat being damaged than they are grateful that Iowa and Co. came and stopped Gangut and Tashkent. If they didn’t come, then the German girls would be down their entire section of the dorm, which includes their precious mat.

And I’ll also say that Atlanta is really lucky that Iowa isn’t a strict military type. Let’s assume that battleship girls are given a higher military rank compared to light cruiser girls. Iowa especially is probably commander of the American shipgirls present in Idobase. If that’s the case, then Atlanta literally walked into her commanding officer’s quarters and threatened to start selling her stuff.

Except that they're under the command of the Admiral there, so they're no longer part of their own chain of command. And said admiral delegated his authority of the dorms and their activities to the dorm manager.

And he appointed Atlanta to the post, replacing Bisko. So it's like an admiral trying to pull rank in another country's navy when they're subordinate to the local command structure.

You're also assuming that ship class = rank, which isn't necessarily true. Otherwise the carriers who actually carried the war should be in charge.

felten said:

I believe this was traced from post #3568538. Not surprising given the "artists" track record.

And yet there are users who still uploading from this "artist". Thank you for finding the original! (Not the flagger by the way)