


bunkhead said:

Uuuuh... are you sure about that?

Her recent cooking stream she made something edible despite it looks "bad"

L.A.L.A. said:

We’ll, I guess you’re right... it wasn’t their fault for being threatened as “antagonists”... its was actually the writers who done it... (and perhaps Zun too...?)

ZUN does all the writing though.

That aside I agree that people hate on them too much. I kinda heard about the Watatsuki before reading SSiB so I had a particular impression of them, but when I do sit down and read it I find that they're not as bad as most people make them to be. The whole complaints about Yorihime winning against Reimu and co. for example is a lot sillier in hindsight considering that's the whole point of a spellcard duel.

Bottom line is they're just a victim of short-tempered fanbase. As a character they're more or less fine. Although some might find their holier-than-thou attitude irritating.

L.A.L.A. said:

Well, I guess you’re also right about that... specially about the danmaku battle, since I Yori didn’t have any idea what a “spellcard rule” is, and won without knowing it, right?

Nope, Yorihime won fair and square. She had no obligation to follow the spellcard rules, considering the group was literally invading the moon and the spellcard rules are a Gensokyo thing, but allowed Reimu to explain them to her and followed them properly anyway.

Reimu and Marisa weren't even taking the whole situation seriously, it was all a game to them, but Yori went all out and beat them fair and square, even if her abilities were "OP".

Not even mentioning that the whole thing was one big trick by Yukari, to distract the sisters while Yuyuko stole some of their liquor.

blindVigil said:

Nope, Yorihime won fair and square. She had no obligation to follow the spellcard rules, considering the group was literally invading the moon and the spellcard rules are a Gensokyo thing, but allowed Reimu to explain them to her and followed them properly anyway.

Reimu and Marisa weren't even taking the whole situation seriously, it was all a game to them, but Yori went all out and beat them fair and square, even if her abilities were "OP".

Not even mentioning that the whole thing was one big trick by Yukari, to distract the sisters while Yuyuko stole some of their liquor.

Oh, ok- wait... did you say “to steal the liquor”?... also how did they distracted Toyohime exactly..?

L.A.L.A. said:

Oh, ok- wait... did you say “to steal the liquor”?... also how did they distracted Toyohime exactly..?

IIRC, their reasoning was by stealing and drinking their alcohol, they could never have it back for obvious reasons. The biggest disappointment is that Youmu's MGS-style theft of the alcohol occurs largely off-screen.

L.A.L.A. said:

Oh, ok- wait... did you say “to steal the liquor”?... also how did they distracted Toyohime exactly..?

Yukari allowed herself and Ran to be captured by Toyohime in Gensokyo, and by leaving a glove behind which forced Yukari's gap to remain open and for Yuyuko to use it. Being a ghost, Yuyuko is a pure being and thus undetectable by the Lunarians.

I think there needs to happen a really impacting event involving Himekawa-san and Otaku-kun to boost his likability to some not-so-negative levels...

Dakkan said:

Y'know, so far it's hard to tell just why Himekawa dislikes Okatu-protag so strongly. While she's called him "gross" a few times, considering that she's doing something like this as a part time job it doesn't seem that she's against him because of being an otaku.

Yes, there's likely a certain amount of "just think of the money, smile and bear with it" but if she really hated dealing with otaku in general I doubt she'd be doing so. Especially if this is the kind of getup she has to wear for it regularly.

What if its just an act?

Aside from it being typical tsundere attitude? I'm guessing that she's probably an otaku herself, only that she keeps it private from others because she has an image to maintain. So seeing someone showing their interest openly like the protag irritates her.

Basically "I want to talk with him about otaku stuff but I can't so I have to push him away lest I geek out".

T34/38 said:

What if its just an act?

Then we'd have to presume that the likability score is/can lie to the audience, or that it measures something other than how much the respective girl likes Otaku-protag.

It has something to be with her job. I guess she gets a lots of unpleasant otakus and she thinks our prota is like them. This is why I think we're going to have an arc with Himekawa and Otaku-kun that would made her score explode to positive numbers.