


The "simultaneously turns towards you" shot is prolly one of my favorite minor tropes.

It's just a blaster game. Who could get scared of these?

She must be really weak to horror stuff.

Blindga said:

It's just a blaster game. Who could get scared of these?

She must be really weak to horror stuff.

The anger veins indicate it's at least partial excitement/anger. She got a perfect clear and high score, so she was hardly too terrified to play well. (Too terrified NOT to play well, perhaps.) I think the top imagine spot is what the guy was hoping the ending would be like, but she won the game while he used up all his lives.

I like to think that is the real Sado-chan who somehow got sucked into the game for some reason. Considering her gamer collection maybe she can portal her way through electronics.

Blindga said:

It's just a blaster game. Who could get scared of these?

She must be really weak to horror stuff.

In Tawawa VII+α, she almost fainted when she saw Sada-chan.

Moonspeaker said:

The anger veins indicate it's at least partial excitement/anger. She got a perfect clear and high score, so she was hardly too terrified to play well. (Too terrified NOT to play well, perhaps.) I think the top imagine spot is what the guy was hoping the ending would be like, but she won the game while he used up all his lives.

Onii-san was so busy daydreaming about his Save the Girl fantasy that he got distracted and eaten by zombies, while Ai-chan's terror and adrenaline-fueled reflexes kept her riveted on playing the game.

NegativeSoul said:

I like to think that is the real Sada-chan who somehow got sucked into the game for some reason. Considering her gamer collection maybe she can portal her way through electronics.

I'll buy that. Perhaps she can only go through a television screen in the presence of someone who's watched the cursed video, but she can appear in any screen.


Cliff_Edge said:

The purple shark has a moustache because why not.

That's how you know he's the papa