


Matsuri attacking Aqua? Shouldnt be Fubuki? lol

Also what is the girls frontline tag as i dont see anything related.

T34/38 said:

Also what is the girls frontline tag as i dont see anything related.

It was me. Sorry. I don't know who is that character with bar censor on her eyes, I thought she was from GFL as I'm completely unfamiliar with it.

Richelieu. She's a light cruiser. Why don't you, you know, shoot her with your main guns?

dasCKD said:

Richelieu. She's a light cruiser. Why don't you, you know, shoot her with your main guns?

The reason is obvious.
She's recuiting Atlanta into Zuiunism.

I mean, Commandant Teste is wearing a Zuiun Matsuri haori behind her after all.

I get the feeling this should go in "Impending Doom"

...Because the Zuiuns are totally f'ked.

Slow floatplanes, verses a LOT of 5"/38 cal guns....yeah that's going to end badly for the Zuinists.

America didn't play around when it came to anti-air defenses.

Though...where are the pasta-boats? While not all of them are running towards vacation, there are a lot of Italian ships at this base. More so than any other nation that isn't Japan.