


Gratz Guin!
I got Blaze on first 10 pulls and Saria dupe on the next 10 rolls on the first day she released,
feels like meteor gonna hit my head soon cuz I'm already running out of luck.

MARoGOD said:

Gotta get rid of that tracking device so she can justify getting lost again.

What game is she going to get lost in next?

localhazzard said:

It's amazing that she hasn't accidentally sailed into that game already.

It depends on which game Guin Guin is playing. :D

This game is just like a never ending well spring. The fact that it’s popular is a godsend.

It’s like a factory for art. Thank you so much.

In the actual game everyone has a default class model that's modified.
For females there's a bust size change.
Byleth's modifier is 200%.
One of the highest in the game.
Only one higher is Manuela at 225%

OhHeyLook556 said:

The summer banners always have the best art. Byleth here looking like her spine's gonna break but she's showing us the goods, so it's fine.

Rhea looking good, too. Heroes always delivers with the art.

For the record, that pose is entirely possible even though the way her torso is twisting may seem unrealistic -- try doing it yourself, actually. If this were drawn from another angle it'd probably look perfectly fine.

Byleth isn’t really twisting that much. She’s just looking over her shoulder while...falling? Which makes sense I guess

Rhea looks....surprisingly unconcerned.

Kikimaru said:

There it is, boys.
The last CSR Patreon Reward you'll see here.

Wait the last? What happened?

I would to see this same image but with all the speech balloons saying she is cute. Still good nonetheless