


Krugger said:

She has waited and its paid off it seems

It's about damn time Enty had a chance to be at her righteous place on top.

2434 said:
I like this picture so I decided to go check out the artists pixiv and wow, massive yikes. It's really bad and I suggest no one go there ever!!! It's got everything bad, from racist fetish art, to bestiality. Not sure how such an artist even made this.

Eh, it's not that bad. The bestiality is mostly his older stuff. One image with an unconvincing zombie dog (something about Dragon Quest III?) is pretty much the worst of it.

FJH said:

That blanket you've thrown is inherently racist too. Primarily, you taint any depiction of mixed race relations in porn altogether which, unlike some other themes in porn, particularly hentai, can actually be supported in real life. You've even decided that only non-Black people can be depicted in a dom/sub relationship without it being "wrong". You are writing context unfairly, forcing both your words into the author's mouth and sentiments and unsubstantiated prejudices from out of mine. It's a projection of insensitivity.

wtf. Who said anything about mixed race couples?

Black people in a mixed dom/sub/bdsm relationship in creative works and porn - good, need more of that

Black people subjugating white woman who says "im eternally enslaved to my black masters i only need black cocks from now on, whites are useless cucks" - problematic, yikes

Nineteen pages in two days? The artist must have had quite the backlog ready to post, I guess. This could take some time to catch up on.

Moonspeaker said:

Nineteen pages in two days? The artist must have had quite the backlog ready to post, I guess. This could take some time to catch up on.

They’re up to 63 pages as of yesterday. I’m uploading them a bit at a time, but feel free to translate them at your own pace!

KiIroywasHere said:

They’re up to 63 pages as of yesterday. I’m uploading them a bit at a time, but feel free to translate them at your own pace!

Wow. Was this going on that long before permission was granted to upload the series here?

I tend to feel overwhelmed and that I'm falling behind if stuff like this piles up very quickly. I realize there's no set pace or deadline; it's a purely psychological thing with me.

Moonspeaker said:

Wow. Was this going on that long before permission was granted to upload the series here?

Yeah, TBH I've been waiting for the artist to upload stuff to Pixiv for a while now. There's been a dearth of Pixiv uploads from the artist though for the last couple of months.

Moonspeaker said:

Wow. Was this going on that long before permission was granted to upload the series here?

I think it’s more so that no one bothered to upload it from their twitter. I’m pretty new to uploading to this site, so I figured it’d be best to ask permission first.

I tend to feel overwhelmed and that I'm falling behind if stuff like this piles up very quickly.

Would you like me to stop uploading them for a bit, if that’d help you? I don’t want you losing your mind over a cute comic!

Frawnkenstein said:

...What kind of erotic situation is this supposed to be?

Hanging around with your senpai Captain at Chirstmas night.

If you don't see potential there, i don't know what to tell you.