

Date Rating Safe Score 6

sanitaeter said:

Someone tagged gun. If he meant the thing Colorado's holding: That's the Dyson handheld vacuum with brush that is stored on the right side of the door (the umbrella stand with the sword Warspite is holding is to the left)post #3724145. It can be used to remove Commandant Teste's nightgown.

A number of the apparently random items and setups in the floor plan pool are turning out to be useful items or plot points in this work. I guess the two are tied together.

Hot Colorado shouting to "make it rain" makes me regret even more that I can't seem to buy the electronic books from the store because I can't figure out how to get it to sell to me.

Also, that's a Dyson V10 Cyclone.

Random_Fanguy said:

Delinquents with a cute side are always nice.

Delinquents are often yan-dere.

Demundo said:

Delinquents are often yan-dere.

Hey! Come on! That's not yandere. That's yan-dere.
Search "yankee-dere" up damn it!

You guys just have no sense of humor at all.

Demundo said:

Hey! Come on! That's not yandere. That's yan-dere.
Search "yankee-dere" up damn it!

You guys just have no sense of humor at all.

Funnily enough, I figured that's what you meant.

Random_Fanguy said:

Funnily enough, I figured that's what you meant.

I see that you are also very cultured.
Nothing beats a yankee-dere girl eh? Like Ryuuzaki Reina from Yandere Kanojo, and An-chan (Rindou Anju) from Love (ren'ai) Revenge. Well, even someone like Kaji Ryouko from Wakabayashi Toshiya's works would be more than perfect too.

I still don't understand why some operators have only a self morale recovery skill, it's completely useless.

What do you mean its a pain.....you need to try it to see if it feels comfortable or not on your body.

/\/\ao said:

What do you mean its a pain.....you need to try it to see if it feels comfortable or not on your body.

Some people just know if the piece of clothes fit and feels comfortable for them.
Like me, some 3-4 years ago. Well, just last year my sandals broke and I got a new pair in less than 3 minutes after arrival at the store too though. No lie.

Now that I mentioned it, I haven't bought new clothes in years.