


cirno also works at mcdonalds.
undesputed master of ice cream & mcflurry machines.

I can envision a fanfic/doujin in which Reimu and Sanae, Mokou and Kaguya, and other sets of rivals work at competing fast food joints across the street from one another.

Dattix said:

I can envision a fanfic/doujin in which Reimu and Sanae, Mokou and Kaguya, and other sets of rivals work at competing fast food joints across the street from one another.

Wouldn't it end up just being Good Burger but with Touhou?

vinixox said:

Wouldn't it end up just being Good Burger but with Touhou?

You say that like it’s a problem.

"Ah crap, I am not going to make this shot. I ate a stargazy pie for lunch."
-Memoirs of a failed assassination, anonymous.

Woah wait what. Why would an actual anthro-animal person call themselves a "furry"? I understood that term to mean humans who fetishize/identify with anthros or animals.

usuallydead said:

Woah wait what. Why would an actual anthro-animal person call themselves a "furry"? I understood that term to mean humans who fetishize/identify with anthros or animals.

It's used as both, it can refer to a person into anthropomorphic animal characters, and the anthropomorphic animal characters themselves. The furry tag on this site is used for the latter.

usuallydead said:

I understood that term to mean humans who fetishize/identify with anthros or animals.

I assume the term never become a pejorative in that world (with anthros actually existing and all) and is just used to refer to them like blindVigil said.

Setsuna014 said:

Honestly this's why I like Yuri. I hate this whole cucking thing.

Huh? I'm sorry but what you just said didn't make any sense at all. You know that homosexuals-like any other peoples, still capable of having an affair, right?

79248cm/s said:

Well, I think most guys would feel better if their girl is cheating on them with another girl than a guy. At least with the yuri option, if you play your cards right, you can get the possibility of a girl sandwich! Then it is like a harem I guess.

With a guy, the only option is to go cuckold, or pop him in the back, grind him up and feed the slop to the pigs and scatter the bones in the desert. Or you could go gay. "Fuck my girl? Then I'll be fucking you in her place!" I guess you could consider that an "alpha" move. Kinda.

??? That is not really involved on the subject at hand. Don't forget that an-94 is the one who getting cheated on by SKK and ak-12. Even if the SKK is female, how could yuri fix-...

You know what, never mind. I think i just got work up by some yurifag's drivel and i shouldn't wasted your time on this nonsense anymore. Let us be on our way.

79248cm/s said:

Well, I think most guys would feel better if their girl is cheating on them with another girl than a guy. At least with the yuri option, if you play your cards right, you can get the possibility of a girl sandwich! Then it is like a harem I guess.

That is a completely unrealistic and childish fantasy. If you're being cheated on, it means you're probably about to be single, doesn't matter if the third party is a guy or girl. And if they're sleeping with your partner, and not you, that means they're not interested in you, and you're still being cucked if you allow it to persist.

With a guy, the only option is to go cuckold, or pop him in the back, grind him up and feed the slop to the pigs and scatter the bones in the desert. Or you could go gay. "Fuck my girl? Then I'll be fucking you in her place!" I guess you could consider that an "alpha" move. Kinda.

Or you could do the mature, self-respecting, legal option and break up with the girl who's cheating on you, and find someone who won't cheat on you.

blindVigil said:


lol, I think you are taking this comment chain way more seriously than you should.