


I like the idea that Beelzebub can't leave the Abyss but can pop a portal whenever she wants to view the outside world.

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Katori is even more dangerous than I expected! I didn't know Abyssal agents could pull off that look.

otakubouzu said:

Graf: "Somehow I suddenly got this urge to kills someone...."

Graf: Pulling out her phone "Iowa? This is Graf, I want to ask you for a favor."

When you suddenly feel Graf Zeppelin arming the Me 155A's, Ju 87's and Ta-152C/R14's within the base

Eboreg said:

Who suggested they were Abyssal spies, because I think you might have called it.

Knowing Ido-sensei, Nagato's line could be a red herring. I doubt he'd make it that obvious if Kashima and Katori were Abyssals themselves.

Maybe Katori is being genuine in her plea for help and the Abyssals are involved indirectly (coercion, black mail, brainwashing etc). Though her stripping would be puzzling in that scenario...